A portion of all sales of Doc Wags products are donated to charities that provide direct care to animals that are either unowned or are owned in communities that are underserved by traditional veterinary medical services as part of our Giving Back mission. While Doc Wags is not a non-profit company, we do feel that we have a responsibility to do our part in helping animals everywhere lead healthy and happy lives.
The human-animal bond is a powerful one that improves and enriches the lives of both the people and pets involved. Part of this bond includes a responsibility to ensure that the animals that we take under our care are well cared for. Good care of pets is inherently and unavoidably expensive, including access to health care, food, shelter, and mental/emotional enrichment. However, those who have the most potential benefit from the human-animal bond including the elderly, disabled, homebound, or impoverished are those who can least afford the cost of good care for their pets. Many charities work to bridge this gap by providing financial and direct support to pets who either don't have pet parents yet or whose pet parents are struggling with the cost of providing good care to them. These are the kind of charities that our Giving Back mission supports. If you represent a 501(c) charity that matches with this description please feel free to reach out to us at inquiries@docwags.com to be considered as a potential charitable partner.